I stole this from Top G

This email from Top G says the simple truth about poor people:

“Poor people are extremely stubborn and extremely slow.

I’ve spoken to enough in my life.

They take months to convince.

Literally MONTHS, it’s like their programming is slow.

Even after their brain finally processes a good idea, they don’t act for weeks.

A poor person will watch BTC go from 6k to 60k as you continue to tell them to buy.

They’ll FINALLY buy after a 10x when you start selling and tell them how much profit you made.

They will buy near the top and you will tell them to sell at a small loss, to which they refuse.

And they’ll sell the bottom as you begin to tell them to HODL.

Such is the life of a coward, staying poor even when they have smart friends literally telling them what to do to be rich.

They don’t understand speed and adaptability, the concepts are foreign.

They work so many hours scraping in money that they’re AFRAID to make a mistake and lose it.

Fear breeds sloth.

A coward is always slow to act,

They attempt to wait for certainty not realizing that by the time an action seems most certain is the time when the most opportunity is lost.

Poverty is a symptom of cowardice and vice versa.

A negative feedback loop that guarantees slavery.

Bravery is required to break the cycle.

A brave man with good guidance will never stay impoverished.

A coward with good guidance is doomed to slavery”

, don’t tell me you don’t know who Top G is?

I don’t agree with everything he says, but I’d admit, sometimes he says the ugly truth, so I listen.

Edmund Oris.

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