One myth about being a Millionaire

You must have heard about this popular saying “Every Millionaires has 7 streams of income”, but…

, there’s something this quote doesn’t tell you, but I’ll allow you to discover it yourself at the end of this letter.

I first saw this quote about 4-5 years ago and thought it meant I needed to have multiple streams of income, so like most people,

  • I worked & worked, spread myself thin trying to get paid doing so many different things that I ended up burnt out, stressed, underpaid & broke.

You see, one thing that quote doesn’t tell you is this:

Millionaires don’t become millionaires by working at 7 things at the same damn time, they do, by ignoring EVERYTHING ELSE & going ALL IN on ONE stream.

Once they’ve created ONE steady stream of income, they diversifying their wealth by investing in other streams.

This is why before you take any advice from the internet, (mine included) make sure you apply the right context.

I’m sure you have that one friend who is currently dating 3-4,5,6 girlfriend/boyfriend but swears she/he loves them all 🤡

You know they’re lying right?

If you’re trying to climb up the food chain, please don’t make the same mistake I did.

Don’t try to do everything at once, you’d end up being busy & getting nothing done, instead FOCUS.

  1. F=Face
  2. O=One
  3. C=Course
  4. U=Until
  5. S=Success

You’d not see any millionaire that’s not focused.

I’m about to head to the market to get supplies for the sickest Vegetable soup you’d find so I’d end by telling you this for free,

  • In a time where there are 273893 things trying to take your attention, being able to FOCUSA is your super power..
  1. Ignore the noise
  2. Distractions &
  3. Shinning objects of everything & go all in on things that really matter.

Don’t try to grow a brand on Twitter, IG, FB, YouTube, etc at the same time.

Pick one, grow until you’ve hacked it then try another platform.

Don’t try to combine & learn 2, 3, 5, skills at the same time. Pick one & master it first.

Don’t try to build 3, 4, 5 businesses at the same time, pick one & grow it first.

Doing this means you get shit done faster, but you also work less in the process.

If you want more tips on how to get shit done while working less both in your personal & business, then you can register for the part 2 & 3 of my NEW Time Millionaire Workshop

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